Tuesday, February 20, 2018


  1. Society knows perfectly well how to kill a man and has methods more subtle than death Andre Gide. This is very true, and you can find it in the book with how the kids treat Simon. The kids hint at Simon that he is unwanted and that no one likes him. The reason why the do not like him is because Simon speaks the truth and the kids cannot handle to truth, so they disown Simon.  In society when you here about bad people dying for some reason it just proves that society knows exactly when to kill someone.
  2. If we can't separate our civilized self from our savage self which will take over and why? Our savage self will all most always take over our civilized self. The reason behind this is found in all most any animal. If you let a tame domestic pig out into the wild on its own it turns back into a wild animal sometimes the pigs will even grow its tusk back, that were cut out at one point. The reason that our savage self kicks in is because we start to think that getting food is our only priority which makes us turn savage. 
  3. How is a civilization created? Are people controlled by society or is society controlled by people? Civilization was created when the first people released that they could not survive own their own they needed people all around them to make sure that everyone lives so everyone decide to move into a “community”. In my honest opinion I believe that people are controlled by society, but it should be the other way around. The reason people are controlled by society is because of media everything people see on TV, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Snapchat controls how people live, but it needs to be the other way around the people need to be in control.
  4. He is talking about why all the other kids think Simon is weird and the other kids would think it is weird that Simon is talking to a pig’s head and how Simon talks about the beast the kids thinks it is weird. 

Friday, January 19, 2018


  1. If you could describe the game in one word, what would it be? Fun
  2. What did you expect at the beginning of the game? No idea
  3. When did you realize that something was wrong? When I thought I won but Stan won.
  4. How did you deal with it? Hit the table
  5. How did not being able to speak contribute to what you were feeling? Frustrated
  6. Is my title above appropriate for the game of “culture”? Why or why not? Yes, it can be frustrated
  7. Is a universal language and set of customs necessary for world peace and harmony? No because we have translators now a day
  8. What can a simple card game teach us about culture? That communication is key

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Sociological Mindfulness/Imagination

I do believe that this guy had many good points and made people open their mind better in to thinking how other people feel and why they do the things they do. If you were to think every time you see someone that is being put down or catch yourself looking down at them or even seeing them being bullied or decimated or anything like that and you pretend to put yourself in their shoes and see what it is like than you will learn a lot about that person and how they might feel. If everyone in this world would think like that and just open their eyes and pretend to be in their shoes than everyone would learn how to treat people better and there would be more peace upon us. Even for me I have witnessed someone being racist to African Americans, Native Americans, Mexicans, or any other ethnic group that is not white be hated on because they do not have the same color of skin as they do. Now I have put myself in their shoes and thought want if I was that African American that is being picked on or beat up or anything else just because I am black skinned. So I thought if everyone would realize how that feels they would learn to be nicer and more respectable to people no made their race, religion, or skin color. That is what I think this video is really all about is that if you see someone being picked on put yourself in their shoes and see how it feels, because no one in this world likes to be undermined or be treated unfairly just because of their skin color or other things. So if everyone were to watch this video and think before they were going to pick on someone they could say hey would it feel good if that kid came and picked on me no so I believe everyone needs to learn to pretend to be in everyone else’s shoes at some point and this whole world would come to peace and calm.

In the big picture of society I just see myself being other middle class American teach my kids and family to treat everyone with respect and to picture themselves in other people's shoes to learn how you can be nicer to them and other people because everyone should be treated with the same respect no matter their skin color, race, or religion. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Freaks and Geeks Blog

11.  The two groups in this episode are the freaks and geeks. The freaks are the ones who don’t follow the rules and try to get others to be more like then. The geeks are the ones who follow the rules but kind of want to be like the freaks.

  2.   There are two sources of power in this episode the freaks have power and so does Alan. The freaks have power over Lindsey and they use it to make her skip class and try to get her to skip the dance. Alan has power also he uses his power on the geeks. The more their become scared of him the more power he gets.
33.   The important symbol in this episode is Nick’s drums he tells Lindsey she needs to find her drum set with means she needs to find something to work for or work towards to make her happy and keep living life.

44.   The theory I see the most is the conflict theory which you can find throughout our high school lots of the younger kids want to be just like Mason so they dress like him and get haircuts like him.   

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


This article that I am reading is about artificial intelligence and asking if it is possible to make a perfect intelligence system. They talk about all of the things that they will run into in the near future and what are some things that nature will have an effect on the system. He is also asking what happens if they succeed in my opinion if they can make a perfect intelligence system then they will be able to use it for many things. One of the problems the talk about is that with AI that there will be a massive unemployment up rise. Another problem with making something that is smarter then you is control. If the system is smarter than you, you might lose control the system because it will learn to control yourself and it will learn to not let you control it. To keep control of the system you can either put on the brakes on the project or prevent certain types of programs. Bill Gates said that if solving machine-learning problems would be worth ten Microsofts. The AI systems could possibly help make people with low intelligence smarter. With the AI systems it could help people learn more in different ways because everyone learns different ways with the AI system it could teach them in ways that they can learn. Some of the problems like can control could be like the movie War Games where a computer comes close to starting World War III. It took control of the nuclear weapons in the Soviet Union and was going to shoot them at the U.S. So AI system could help people and hurt people at the same time.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Gay couple court opinion

This situation is really hard to pick a side because both sides are expressing their rights. The gay couple has every right to sue this business because it is a form of discrimination. You could look at it like this the business could say that they are not going to film and person with dark skin it’s still discrimination weather it’s because your gay or the color of your skin. Then you can look at the business’s side that they have the right to refuse service to anyone that they want to. It may be a law in Minnesota that you can’t discriminate because of sex. I don’t know why you would sue someone because they denied their service to you because you are gay even if they would when the law suit then the company could just do a bad job so I don’t know why you wouldn’t just walk out and go find another place that would except a gay couple and do a good job. I can see the fact of them suing to advance gay rights, but I still think that it is a waste of time.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

28th Amendment

If I could add another amendment this is what I would add.

28th amendment – flag discrimination if you are caught disrespecting the flag in any way (stepping on it, burning it, spiting on it, etc.) you will get jail time or a fine.